Examples of Subject-Verb Agreement Sentences

Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of writing proper English. It involves ensuring that the subject of a sentence agrees with the verb used to describe the action or condition of the subject. In essence, it ensures coherence and clarity in written communication. Here are some examples of subject-verb agreement sentences that illustrate the correct use of subject-verb agreement.

1. The dog barks loudly at night.

In this sentence, the subject is “the dog,” and the verb used to describe its action is “barks.” The verb “barks” is in agreement with the singular subject “dog.” If the verb used were “bark,” it would have been incorrect since it is not in agreement with the singular subject “the dog.”

2. The children play soccer on the field.

In this sentence, the subject is “the children,” and the verb used to describe their action is “play.” The verb “play” is in agreement with the plural subject “children.” Here, the verb “plays” would be incorrect since it is not in agreement with the plural subject “children.”

3. The trees sway in the wind.

In this sentence, the subject is “the trees,” and the verb used to describe their action is “sway.” The verb “sway” is in agreement with the plural subject “trees.” Using the verb “sways” would be incorrect since it is not in agreement with the plural subject “trees.”

4. The coffee tastes bitter.

In this sentence, the subject is “the coffee,” and the verb used to describe its condition is “tastes.” The verb “tastes” is in agreement with the singular subject “coffee.” Using the verb “taste” would be incorrect since it is not in agreement with the singular subject “coffee.”

5. The cars honk their horns loudly.

In this sentence, the subject is “the cars,” and the verb used to describe their action is “honk.” The verb “honk” is in agreement with the plural subject “cars.” Using the verb “honks” would be incorrect since it is not in agreement with the plural subject “cars.”

6. The books on the shelf collect dust.

In this sentence, the subject is “the books on the shelf,” and the verb used to describe their action is “collect.” The verb “collect” is in agreement with the plural subject “books.” Using the verb “collects” would be incorrect since it is not in agreement with the plural subject “books.”

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a critical element of writing proper English. These examples illustrate correct subject-verb agreement usage and provide a guide for writers to craft coherent and clear sentences. Using proper subject-verb agreement ensures effective communication and avoids confusion in written communication.